New breeding record for the Daintree River
Recently on the river there was a surprising new sighting. Significant enough to stimulate me to write the following for the local newspaper…
Recently on the river there was a surprising new sighting. Significant enough to stimulate me to write the following for the local newspaper…
An old friend calls. He’s on a mission. He’s got photographs of most Aussie birds. Now he needs 3 more difficult species. The pressure is on.
I had recently bought a remote sensing camera. Now the Great-billed Heron were nesting. Here was a great opportunity to study the herons…
Wendy had asked me to call when a rare vine started developing flowers. I was worried that I would miss it and the opportunity would be lost.
Juergen is leading a photography workshop on the boat. We’re seeing good stuff, taking good images but then I make a pretty big mistake…
I’m halfway through my introduction, pushing upstream in the golden light of dawn. I’m listing what I hope to see when Inger exclaims, “There’s one!”.